Errata to the paper “Fully Symbolic Timed Model Checking using Constraint Matrix Diagrams” by Rüdiger Ehlers, Daniel Fass, Michael Gerke, and Hans-Jörg Peter

Backward Deterministic Prefixes

On page 6 of the paper (page 365 in the procedings), in line 4 (second line of the definition of dpref ), i is the index of the first constraint from lambda that is different to the corresponding constraint from m. Thus the line

 exists p in mathsf{dpaths}(M,i) : big( bigwedge{p} big){downarrow}_{i}^{0} = m{downarrow}_{i}^{0} wedge

has to be replaced by:

 exists p in mathsf{dpaths}(M,i) : big( bigwedge{p} big){downarrow}_{i-1}^{0} = m{downarrow}_{i-1}^{0} wedge

Algorithm 1

On page 6 of the paper (page 365 in the procedings), in line 8 of Algorithm 1, all edges from q_f to q_b that are subsumed by m_{fb} should be removed. Thus,

 E' := E' setminus { (q_f, m'', q_b) in E' mid m_mathit{fb} Rightarrow m'' }

has to be replaced by:

 E' := E' setminus { (q_f, m'', q_b) in E' mid m'' Rightarrow m_mathit{fb} }

Algorithm 3

On page 6 of the paper (page 365 in the procedings), in line 2 of Algorithm 3, j has to be picked bigger than mathit{type}(q_f). Thus the second line of Algorithm 3

 max(mathsf{type}(q_f)+1, j) mathrm{is minimal})

has to be replaced by:

 j = mathrm{min}({j' mid (x,j') in mathsf{dsuf}(M,m) wedge j' > mathsf{type}(q_f)})

Furthermore, in lines 6 and 7 of Algorithm 3, the new edges should be annotated with the projection of m'. Thus the 6^mathit{th} and 7^mathit{th} lines of Algorithm 3

 begin{array}{l} cup { (q, m{downarrow}_{j-1}^{mathsf{type'}(q)}, q_b) }  cup { (q_b, m{downarrow}_{mathsf{type'}(q')-1}^{j}, q') } end{array}

have to be replaced by:

 begin{array}{l} cup { (q, m'{downarrow}_{j-1}^{mathsf{type}(q)}, q_b) }  cup { (q_b, m'{downarrow}_{mathsf{type}(q')-1}^{j}, q') } end{array}