
Journal Publications

  1. Hadas Kress-Gazit, Kerstin Eder, Guy Hoffman, Henny Admoni, Brenna Argall, Rüdiger Ehlers, Christoffer Heckman, Nils Jansen, Ross A. Knepper, Jan Kretínský, Shelly Levy-Tzedek, Jamy Li, Todd D. Murphey, Laurel D. Riek, and Dorsa Sadigh: Formalizing and guaranteeing human-robot interaction. Communications of the ACM 64(9): 78-84 (2021)

  2. Kai Weng Wong, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Hadas Kress-Gazit: Resilient, Provably-Correct, and High-Level Robot Behaviors. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 34(4): 936-952 (2018)

  3. Rüdiger Ehlers, Stéphane Lafortune, Stavros Tripakis, and Moshe Y. Vardi: Supervisory control and reactive synthesis: a comparative introduction. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 27(2): 209-260 (2017)

  4. Jonathan A. DeCastro, Rüdiger Ehlers, Matthias Rungger, Ayca Balkan, Hadas Kress-Gazit: Automated generation of dynamics-based runtime certificates for high-level control. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 27(2): 371-405 (2017)

  5. Swen Jacobs, Roderick Bloem, Romain Brenguier, Rüdiger Ehlers, Timotheus Hell, Robert Könighofer, Guillermo A. Pérez, Jean-François Raskin, Leonid Ryzhyk, Ocan Sankur, Martina Seidl, Leander Tentrup, Adam Walker: The first reactive synthesis competition (SYNTCOMP 2014). International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) 19(3): 367-390 (2017)

  6. Rüdiger Ehlers: Symbolic Bounded Synthesis. Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD) 20(4): 232-262 (2012)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

Peer-Reviewed Conference and Workshop Publications

  1. Rüdiger Ehlers and Ayrat Khalimov: Fully Generalized Reactivity(1) Synthesis. 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2024)

  2. Rüdiger Ehlers and Sven Schewe: Natural Colors of Infinite Words. 42th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2022)

  3. Anvay Grover, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Loris D'Antoni: Synthesizing Transducers from Complex Specifications. 22nd Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2022)

  4. Ingy Elsayed-Aly, Suda Bharadwaj, Christopher Amato, Rüdiger Ehlers, Ufuk Topcu, and Lu Feng: Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Shielding. 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021)

  5. Dhananjay Raju, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Ufuk Topcu: Adapting to the Behavior of Environments with Bounded Memory. 12th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification (GandALF 2021)

  6. Rüdiger Ehlers, Ivan Gavran, and Daniel Neider: Learning Properties in LTL ∩ ACTL from Positive Examples Only. 20th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2020)

    The paper is available here.

    The website of the conference can be found here. The website of the FMCAD Association can be found here.

  7. Rüdiger Ehlers, Kai Treutler, and Volker Wesling: SAT Solving with Fragmented Hamiltonian Path Constraints for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing. 23rd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2020)

    The author-archived version of the paper is available here.

    Copyright by Springer Verlag. The final authenticated version is available at

    There are authors' notes available for this paper, including an erratum.

  8. Rüdiger Ehlers and Keerthi Adabala: Reactive Synthesis of Graphical User Interface Glue Code. 17th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2019)

    The author-archived version of the paper including is available here.

    Copyright by Springer Verlag. The final authenticated version is available at

  9. Rüdiger Ehlers: How Hard is Finding Shortest Counter-Example Lassos in Model Checking? 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2019)

    The author-archived version of the paper including is available here.

    Copyright by Springer Verlag. The final authenticated version is available at

  10. Giulia Meuli, Bruno Schmitt, Rüdiger Ehlers, Heinz Riener, and Giovanni De Micheli: Evaluating ESOP Optimization Methods in Quantum Compilation Flows. 11th Conference on Reversible Computation (RC 2019)

  11. Rüdiger Ehlers, Jörg Grieser, Christoph Knieke, Andreas Rausch, and Mirco Schindler: Quality Assurance of Machine Learned Models by Integrating Domain Knowledge and Formal Verification. Software Engineering (SE) und Software Management (SE/SWM 2019)

  12. Rüdiger Ehlers: On Improving the Efficiency of Game Solving for Hybrid System Control. 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018)

    This is the author-archived version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  13. Houssam Abbas, Indranil Saha, Yasser Shoukry, Rüdiger Ehlers, Georgios Fainekos, Rajesh Gupta, Rupak Majumdar, and Dogan Ulus: Embedded Software for Robotics: Challenges and Future Directions: Special Session. Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2018)

  14. Keerthi Adabala and Rüdiger Ehlers: A Fragment of Linear Temporal Logic for Universal Very Weak Automata. 16th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2018)

    The author-archived version of the paper is available here.

    Copyright by Springer Verlag. The final authenticated version is available online at

    There are authors' notes available for this paper, including an erratum.
    . Rüdiger Ehlers and Francisco Palau Romero: Approximately Propagation Complete and Conflict Propagating Constraint Encodings. 21st International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2018)
    An author-archived version of the paper including an appendix with details of the experiments is available here.

    Please do not send this file straight to the printer. The appendix is really long, uses color, and there is normally no need to print it. So if you print the paper, please do so only for the first 18 pages.

    Copyright by Springer Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via

    There is an erratum available for this paper.

  15. Francisco Palau Romero and Rüdiger Ehlers: Steady Abstractions for CPS Controller Synthesis. 2018 American Control Conference (ACC 2018)

    You can download the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  16. Mohammed Alshiekh, Roderick Bloem, Rüdiger Ehlers, Bettina Könighofer, Scott Niekum, and Ufuk Topcu: Safe Reinforcement Learning via Shielding. 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2018)

  17. Rüdiger Ehlers and Bernd Finkbeiner: Symmetric Synthesis. 37th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2017)

    The published version of the paper can be downloaded here.

    The full version of the paper (with proofs) is available on ArXiV/CoRR.

  18. Rüdiger Ehlers: Formal Verification of Piece-Wise Linear Feed-Forward Neural Networks. 15th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2017)

    A preprint of the paper is available on ArXiV/CoRR. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The final publication is available at

    Note that the preprint has exactly the same content as the published version.

  19. Heinz Riener, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Görschwin Fey: Counterexample-Guided EF Synthesis of Boolean Functions. MBMV Workshop 2017

    This is a follow-up workshop paper to our ASP-DAC 2017 conference paper that provides additional experimental results.

    You can download the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  20. Heinz Riener, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Görschwin Fey: CEGAR-based EF Synthesis of Boolean Functions with an Application to Circuit Rectification. 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2017)

    This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  21. Rüdiger Ehlers, Salar Moarref, and Ufuk Topcu: Risk-Averse Control of Markov Decision Processes with omega-regular Objectives. 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2016)

    This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  22. Rüdiger Ehlers and Vasumathi Raman: Slugs: Extensible GR(1) Synthesis. 28th Int'l Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2016)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  23. Rüdiger Ehlers and Ufuk Topcu: Estimator-based Reactive Synthesis Under Incomplete Information. 18th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2015)

    This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  24. Roderick Bloem, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Robert Könighofer: Cooperative Reactive Synthesis. 13th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2015)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  25. Rüdiger Ehlers, Robert Könighofer, and Roderick Bloem: Synthesizing Cooperative Reactive Mission Plans. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015)

    This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  26. Min Wen, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Ufuk Topcu: Correct-by-synthesis Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Logic Constraints. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015)

    The publisher's version of the paper can be obtained from IEEE Xplore here.
    In case you do not have access to the paper on IEEE Xplore, the pre-print (before review) can be obtained from ArXiV/CoRR.

  27. Heinz Riener, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Görschwin Fey: Path-Based Program Repair. 12th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA 2015)

  28. Rüdiger Ehlers and Martin Lange: A Tool That Incrementally Approximates Finite Satisfiability in Full Interval Temporal Logic. 7th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2014)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  29. Kai Weng Wong, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Hadas Kress-Gazit: Correct High-level Robot Behavior in Environments with Unexpected Events. Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2014)

  30. Rüdiger Ehlers, Stéphane Lafortune, Stavros Tripakis, Moshe Y. Vardi: Bridging the Gap between Supervisory Control and Reactive Synthesis: Case of Full Observation and Centralized Control. 12th IFAC - IEEE International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2014)

    This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  31. Roderick Bloem, Rüdiger Ehlers, Swen Jacobs, and Robert Könighofer: How to Handle Assumptions in Synthesis. 3rd Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2014)

  32. Rüdiger Ehlers and Vasumathi Raman Low-Effort Specification Debugging and Analysis. 3rd Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2014)

  33. Rüdiger Ehlers and Ufuk Topcu: Resilience to Intermittent Assumption Violations in Reactive Synthesis. 17th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2014)

    This is the authors' version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution.

  34. Rüdiger Ehlers, Sanjit A. Seshia, and Hadas Kress-Gazit: Synthesis with Identifiers. 15th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI 2014)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  35. Gangyuan Jing, Rüdiger Ehlers and Hadas Kress-Gazit: Shortcut Through an Evil Door: Optimality of Correct-by-Construction Controllers in Adversarial Environments. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013)

  36. Rüdiger Ehlers, Robert Könighofer, and Georg Hofferek: Symbolically Synthesizing Small Circuits. 12th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2012)

  37. Bernd Becker, Rüdiger Ehlers, Matthew Lewis, and Paolo Marin: ALLQBF Solving by Computational Learning. 10th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2012)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  38. Rüdiger Ehlers and Daniela Moldovan: Sparse Positional Strategies for Safety Games. 1st Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2012)

  39. Rüdiger Ehlers: ACTL ∩ LTL Synthesis. 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2012)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  40. Michael Gerke, Rüdiger Ehlers, Bernd Finkbeiner, and Hans-Jörg Peter: FlexRay for Avionics: Automatic Verification with Parametric Physical Layers. Infotech@Aerospace (I@A 2012)

  41. Rüdiger Ehlers and Bernd Finkbeiner: Monitoring Realizability. 2nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2011)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  42. Hans-Jörg Peter, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Robert Mattmüller: Synthia: Verification and Synthesis for Timed Automata. 23rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2011)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  43. Rüdiger Ehlers and Bernd Finkbeiner: Reactive Safety. 2nd International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification (GandALF 2011)

    Click here to download the paper.

    An errata list is avaiable here.

  44. Rüdiger Ehlers: Generalized Rabin(1) Synthesis with Applications to Robust System Synthesis. 3rd NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2011)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

    There are some author's notes available for this paper.

  45. Rüdiger Ehlers: Unbeast: Symbolic Bounded Synthesis. 17th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2011)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  46. Rüdiger Ehlers: Experimental Aspects of Synthesis. International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols 2011 (iWIGP 2011)

  47. Rüdiger Ehlers, Daniel Fass, Michael Gerke, and Hans-Jörg Peter: Fully Symbolic Timed Model Checking using Constraint Matrix Diagrams. 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2010)

    This is the author-archived version of the paper.

    The original publication is available on IEEE XPlore under © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.

    An errata list is avaiable here.

  48. Rüdiger Ehlers, Michael Gerke, and Hans-Jörg Peter: Making the Right Cut in Model Checking Data-Intensive Timed Systems. 11th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  49. Michael Gerke, Rüdiger Ehlers, Bernd Finkbeiner, and Hans-Jörg Peter: Model Checking the FlexRay Physical Layer Protocol. 15th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  50. Rüdiger Ehlers and Bernd Finkbeiner: On the Virtue of Patience: Minimizing Büchi Automata. 17th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  51. Rüdiger Ehlers, Robert Mattmüller, and Hans-Jörg Peter: Combining Symbolic Representations for Solving Timed Games. 8th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  52. Rüdiger Ehlers: Symbolic Bounded Synthesis. 22nd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

    There are some author's notes available for this paper.

  53. Rüdiger Ehlers: Minimising Deterministic Büchi Automata Precisely using SAT Solving. 13th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

  54. Rüdiger Ehlers: Short Witnesses and Accepting Lassos in omega-automata. 4th Int'l Conference on Language, Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2010)

    Click here to download the author-archived version of the paper. Copyright by Springer Verlag. The original publication is available at

    There are some author's notes available for this paper.

Technical Reports & Preprints

The following list only contains technical reports that have not appeared as a peer-reviewed publication as well (yet).

  1. Tom van Dijk, Rüdiger Ehlers, and Armin Biere: Revisiting Decision Diagrams for SAT. ArXiV/CoRR 1805.03496 (2018)

  2. Rüdiger Ehlers: Computing the Complete Pareto Front. ArXiV/CoRR 1512.05207 (2015)

  3. Rüdiger Ehlers: Small Witnesses, Accepting Lassos and Winning Strategies in omega-automata and Games. AVACS Technical Report No. 80, also available as ArXiV/CoRR 1108.0315 (2011)

  4. Rüdiger Ehlers, E. Moritz Hahn, Martin Mehlmann, Hans-Jörg Peter, Jan Rakow, Tobe Toben, and Bernd Westphal: Dynamic Communicating Probabilistic Timed Automata Playing Games. AVACS Technical Report No. 75, SFB/TR 14 AVACS (2011)

Other publications

  1. My Ph.D. thesis:
    Rüdiger Ehlers. Symmetric and Efficient Synthesis. Saarland University, 2013

  2. Summary of my Ph.D. thesis in German language:
    Rüdiger Ehlers: Symmetrische und effiziente Synthese. In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2013, GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), D-14, ISBN 978-3-88579-418-9, Bonner Köllen Verlag (2013)

Edited Volumes

  1. Krishnendu Chatterjee and Rüdiger Ehlers: Special Issue on Synthesis and SYNT 2014, Acta Informatica (Volume 54, Issue 6), Springer Verlag, 2017

  2. Krishnendu Chatterjee, Rüdiger Ehlers, Susmit Jha: Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2014), Vienna, Austria, July 23-24, 2014. EPTCS 157, 2014